Since 2012, we tested 2,334 elk from WMU 732 and detected CWD in five (0.2%).CWD was detected in three cow elk from WMU 732 (Canadian Forces Base Suffield).This indicates further geographic spread of CWD along major waterways. CWD was detected in five new Wildlife Management Units (WMU) in the vicinity of Cold Lake, Mundare, Two Hills, Vauxhall, and Vulcan.In many cases in eastern Alberta, the gender-and species-specific prevalence is much higher in individual WMUs than in previous years.In the 7,269 deer for which gender/sex was reported, CWD was detected in:.0 of 204 moose (primarily from CFB Wainwright).0.8% of 361 elk (primarily from CFB Suffield).In breaking down the sample, CWD was detected in: CWD was detected in 579 individuals (7.4% overall): 506 mule deer (398 males, 108 females), 70 white-tailed deer (62 males, 8 female), and three female elk.